Bags of Support


The Home of the ecoFriendly Fruit & Veggie Bag

About Us

Bags of Support has been established with two clear objectives :

1.    To help rid our world of plastic bags, and

2.    To donate 10% of our profits to support research into Gynaecological Cancer.

There are many forms of Gynae Cancer - cervical cancer (that's why you have a Pap Smear each year!), uterine, endometrial or ovarian – there are in fact seven.  Women diagnosed with these cancers often feel isolated and alone - their numbers are low so they are not recognised as a group or nurtured through a support network.

Bags of Support is committed to recognising all these women together under the one umbrella of Gynae Cancer.  These are wonderful, brave women who need your support - women like your workmate, your best friend, your sister - women like you!

If we can sell a million fruit and veggie bags, we can make a real difference with research and personal support, and we can help save our beautiful planet from at least 1 million plastic bags.

They are clogging our waterways and killing our marine and wildlife.  We have all seen the photos.   But you can help by saying no to every plastic bag.

The ecoFriendly Fruit and Veggie Bag make it easy for you to say no to plastic bags forever.

Our Founders

Jennifer McCann, and her husband, Charles, are determined to make a difference to all women with gynaecological cancer.

Jenn's story is a familiar one in the gynae cancer arena.  She had some back pain for about two months (which she ignored!), and then one day felt a lump in the pelvic area.  It felt about the size of an orange!   Her GP and the Ultrasound specialist suspected a fibroid but on 23 October, 2007, the operating gynaecologist was as surprised as anyone else to discover a Grade 3 invasive cancer in the endometrial area.  The fibroid operation was scheduled for around 90 minutes, but Jennifer was on the operating table for 9 1/2 hours.

Four  months of chemotherapy and then a month of daily radiotherapy followed.

And what was her final diagnoses?  Undetermined!   Jenn smiles - "Miss Undetermined - that’s me."

However, a diagnosis of 'undetermined' has its own set of problems.  "No one knows where I am headed with this illness, and I have had more treatment than most, with the radio as well.  My prognoses is totally in the lap of the Gods.  Still, the doctors won’t say that with any certainty as my pathology is unclear."

Jenn became a dedicated member of the San Gynae Support Group, which meets each month at the Sydney Adventist Hospital at Wahroonga.  "When you are first diagnosed with cancer you don't ask any questions because you don't know anything about your illness.  It's through a support group that you learn about your illness and what questions you need to be asking your doctors."

"Finding a gynae support group was a real challenge in itself, so it was a chance thing  that I heard about the San group.  I would recommend all women with any chronic illness to join a support group.  The women I have met at our group immediately became my closest friends.  And anyone who thinks a support group is a two hour session of crying is in for a real treat.  We have a great time together, laughing, recommending good books and supporting each other through the ongoing treatment we each have to undergo."

We hope that Bags of Support can help by donating 10% of our profits to research and patient support through our association with the GO Research Fund.  We are delighted to be associated with them.

Our founder and inspiration Jennifer lost her battle with her cancer on 20 December 2010.

 Teal is the international colour for Gynaecological Cancer

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